WFO#4 The Daunting Task of Accessing Skill

Completing CDL School in 4 weeks seems like it is either too short or too long, kinda depends on where you are at. For me it was 4 weeks of less earning potential as we were doing Amazon Flex full time, but now in comparison to being at Werner it wasn't enough time because I now have to learn a lot on information at my job.

I am not saying I regret the school I went too, just wish I learned more as it would have made me more prepared for the job. Today we went out to the lower lot, we were demonstrated how to do a 45° and a 90° backing maneuver, both vital in the trucking industry as it will be the most common way we back into a dock/alley/etc.

While in school we were shown these but they were not tested per say so if I failed at it then it was talked about and not reflected on my GPA for the course. Which I did score a 97% by the way...not to toot my horn but I never performed that well on high school.

After a couple hours baking in the sun and learning those maneuvers, we finished the day with classwork and a tour of some amenities that are offered at this terminal, which I will see a lot as my account routes through here often.

We finished off the day at 5:00pm, I was thoroughly exhausted from all the information overload and the effects of missing my family really starting to kick in. Just gotta keep telling myself, this is temporary and I gotta give it my best.

After class we headed to the hotel where I was greeted by a new roommate, I was kinda used to being solo but now I gotta share. That's alright, just need to make sure I take my Steam Deck and iPad with me.

I will say having my Steam Deck with me is nice since I can still play games, have a comfort of home with me, kinda wish I would have remembered to reinstall Baldur's Gate 3 haha the hotel wifi is atrocious!

*WFO Thoughts*
On social media I am seeing a ton of hate towards women in gaming and streaming. These "men" complain that they hate having to be forced to play a female character, they groan when they stream their numbers are shit but females that are streaming get more views because "boobs".

To that I say, grow up. Those streamers who just do happen to be females, they deal with a slew of shit behind the scenes. From constant viewers DMing them about sexual content, seeking relations, and generally not knowing what a boundary is, to even being sent death threats because they are not reciprocating the viewers affections. Stalker cases on the rise and some of the top female content creators having to pull away from content due to their safety.

I will talk about the gaming side in another blog but we as men need to understand that women have never had it "easy", it has always been an uphill battle to fight for their independence. It wasn't until 1974 that woman could get their own bank account. They couldn't vote till 1920, creating the 19th amendment, let that one sink in. We had 18 amendments at that time and none of them gave women rights?

So the next time you think that women have it easy, do damn some research, listen to comprehend not just listen to respond, and think what it might be like for your mom sister daughter etc. Is men hide our emotions well, but women are masters at that.

Thanks for reading,


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