WFO#3 Training Begins

Waking up at 5:00am, I drove around the corner in the rental to gas it up to full and grabbed some drinks for the mini fridge in my room. With cash being limited at the moment, I opted to not go too crazy. Just enough to get me by.

The nights sleep was meh, neighbor below me was talking till 3am, and well I am not used to sleep by myself. Being married for going on 14 years come this November 2024, I have had the honor and privilege to not have an empty bed. So to toss and turn and not have my wife there made me feel extremely lonely.

After we powered through the night and squeezed as much sleep as I could, it was time to get up and prepare for the day. Shower, dress, run to the gas station, make sure day bag is ready, then off to the lobby...was told that we were gonna have a Continental breakfast and we'll it looked like this.
Hey it's free and better than nothing. So I snagged a couple muffins to put in my bag, ate my cereal and a banana. Let's hope that our provided lunch has a widdle bit more nourishment. *Spoiler Alert: It Didn't* 6:50am we follow the shuttle in our rentals and head to Werner Enterprises, my employer for at least the next 6 months.

We arrive, turn in our keys for the rentals (gonna miss that nice Subaru Outback)and was told right out the gate that we are doing our drug screening....shouldn't have had that Rockstar so early in the morning.

Drug screen ✅
Hair follicle test ✅
Mountain of New hire paperwork ✅

From 7:00am to 4:30pm; my class and I blitzed through the paperwork, mandatory videos, and hands on workshops. Breaks scattered throughout the day, by the end of it we were exhausted. Lunch was well lack luster, I am 5'11" and roughly 255lbs 4 chicken wings and a scoop potato salad (that I will not eat).

Texting my wife throughout the day and calling her at night was the highlight. Hearing how she was staying busy, the shenanigans my kids were up too, and hearing her voice. God I miss my family, but like I have been telling my daughter "temporary pain for long-term gain". This pain is only for a little bit.

6 months of working on the road while studying for my tanker/hazmat endorsement, with the eventual goal of going local as a fuel tanker in North Carolina. We have some really great friends that live there and honestly looking forward to a fresh start in a new state.

Feelings of Imposter Syndrome has been creeping in. The thought of who would even read this, how I messed up WFO with the hiatus' and just falling short of any goal I ever placed. I know those thoughts are coming from the loneliness of my current situation.

I just have to look at the bright side, I am furthering my career and bringing more financial options to them as well. My family are proud of me and they encourage me to try new things. I have a lot to be thankful for, but sometimes imposter syndrome sneaks up on you in those moments where things are going well.


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